Human-centered approaches are the core of the Spicy Life design processes. We create engaging experiences, leading the users to develop a strong and lasting attachment toward your brand or your service.
At first, we meet the project holder to get clearly understand his/her vision and expectations, the issues at stake, the expected benefits, the potential impact on the product and the services, the specificities of the ecosystem.
Then we turn toward the users: their representations, their expectations, how they actually use the products and the services.
We use robust methods from cognitive and ergonomic psychology to analyze uses and behaviors: we conduct audits, observations, user-tests, interviews, benchmarks.
Based on this analysis, Spicy Life identifies strategies to enrich the use experience.
Use cases are updated, providing more usefulness and delight. We propose solutions eliciting trut, positive feelings, and invting to buid a strong attachment toward your service, your product, your brand.
Beyond the current products improvement, we define disruptive services, the features of the products of tomorrow.