User Research

Spicy Life defines useful, pleasant, and seductive
experiences for a lasting emotional attachement toward your service and your brand.

Human-centered approaches are the core of the Spicy Life design processes. We create engaging experiences, leading the users to develop a strong and lasting attachment toward your brand or your service.

At first, we meet the project holder to get clearly understand his/her vision and expectations, the issues at stake, the expected benefits, the potential impact on the product and the services, the specificities of the ecosystem.

Then we turn toward the users: their representations, their expectations, how they actually use the products and the services.

We use robust methods from cognitive and ergonomic psychology to analyze uses and behaviors: we conduct audits, observations, user-tests, interviews, benchmarks.

Based on this analysis, Spicy Life identifies strategies to enrich the use experience.
Use cases are updated, providing more usefulness and delight. We propose solutions eliciting trut, positive feelings, and invting to buid a strong attachment toward your service, your product, your brand.

Beyond the current products improvement, we define disruptive services, the features of the products of tomorrow.

Some of our methods

Usability review

The applicactive usability review is an expert technic, quickly dispensable. This approach benefit from the latest advances of the cognitive research. Expert user researchers sharply analyze your application to point the usability issues. This approach also delivers practical recommandations. The usability reviews identifies and resolves numerous issues before engaging more specific analysis methods.

Interviews & focus groups

Interviews are a key-method for many domains. They aim at gathering non-observable informations: subjective perceptions and feelings, thoughts, nuances of their motivations... Although individual interviews limit social interactions biases, focus groups facilitate discussions, exchanges, and "cognitive bounces".

Observations & metrics

Observations are used to gather objective data without interfering with the situations. Several protocol variations can be chosen to obtain explicitation of the users strategies and motivations. Metrics and measurements can be added on top of the observations in order to quantify use behaviors, and the complexity of the user task.

User tests

Our user researchers can test your products and services, based on the actual solutions or any mockups or simulations. User tests introduce real users to your product or service. User testing is a particularly effective solution to gather rich and subtle data. We notably record indicators for usefulness, ease of use and efficiency, and emotions.


The study of competitors' products highlight relevant features, or elements to be avoided. Mixing these insights with user needs studies improve the definition of an innovative and disruptive solution.

Eye tracking

Eye-tracking records the users' glance, on screen, informations display, or physical environnement. The studies provide videos of the eye paths, heatmaps summarizing the attention areas, and many metrics according to the test objectives. Eye tracking can provide many informations such as path taken in a graphic layout, item readibility, label understanding...