Content & Visual Design

Your product or service should behave as a human to your users.
To do so, a true personality should be defined to give life to your service.

To define a personality for a service, a product or an application is one of the specialties of Spicy Life (and which takes a lot of our R&D schedule).

To gain the engagement of your users, our service should be useful, simple, and empathic. Two main components should be combined:

A consistent visual identity, which would translates the image of your service
A graphic reference should be defined to serve as a guideline for all the visual design productions: layouts, typography, illustrations, infographics.

Useful, simple, and empathic content.
Our user researchers and writers work together to establish simple content. To elicit an emotional empathic feeling requires to observe strictly a specific editorial tone. We thus work with a set of specialists to write, correct, translate, illustrate...
Besides, for the digital projects, these editorial tasks are directly related to the SEO strategy.
If you plan to entrust your own team for these editorial tasks, we accompany you to ensure the editorial processes and the publishing frequency.

Some of our methods

Information Design

Spicy Life work at defining the most effective options to communicate information: editorial guidelines, texts hiérarchy and typography consistancy. We also provide content management methods, moderation processes, publication modalities.

Graphic Design

Our graphic designers create clear, legible, and unique identities, matching the specificities of each medium: poster display, printed, digital, indoor signs...

Writing & Content

Spicy Life provides the production of the required for your project. We gather talents for each specialty: rewriting, translation, illustration, pictogram design, infographics, photos, 3D modeling, motion designers, video edition.